Copyright © Shooting With a Purpose. All rights reserved.

Bob Lewis is a long time trainer having been first certified as a California Hunter Safety Instructor in 1983. Today, Bob is a NRA certified instructor in Basic Pistol, Basics of Personal Protection Inside of the Home, and Basics of Personal Protection Outside of the home.

Bob offers these NRA designed courses 3 times per year each. they provide a structured program to help those who are not familiar with the safe handling and defensive use of firearms. These NRA programs offer a sound practical and academic platform to learn from. These classes are fully accepted by Colorado Law Enforcement as satisfying the education requirements for the Concealed Carry License Application.

Additionally, Bob has designed a set of defensive pistol clinics to teach a more advance use of firearms for personal protection and concealed carry. Bob is available for personal coaching. These clinics will comfortably  reinforce lessons learned in other course work. You will be able to use your firearm as a defensive tool to protect yourself and your family! 

Call Bob Lewis Today!

​303 809 9725

Shooting With a Purpose

Meet Bob Lewis

Shooting With a Purpose

By Bob Lewis​